A twitter conversation started by Carrie Ryan prompted a bunch of writers to blog (and tweet) about their muse. I can't help adding in my two cents. The subject fascinates me. For years, I've been on a quest to find out exactly where these spurts of creativity come from. I've read books, collected anecdotes, and searched out academic studies.
So far, all I have are questions: Do we all possess the ability to have those creative moments? Do they come from a higher power or are we simply tuning into our own alpha brainwaves? Do we cultivate them through playfulness or discipline? Why can some people tap into them so easily while others struggle?
I've never labeled it a muse, but I've had my moments of insight. I'm working on a story and BLAMMO! -- an idea comes out of nowhere. Suddenly I can't type fast enough. There's something addictive about watching your words pour out onto a page. I'd give up barefoot walks on the beach and even chocolate (yes, I mean the bittersweet kind with the candied ginger) before I'd give up those moments.
It doesn't happen often. To tell the truth, those times are few and far between. It's not like I sit around and wait for inspiration. If you want to get a book finished, you have to write. Most of the time, I take it word by word and page by page. Of course I have those days where I'd rather be watching a rerun of Househunters on HGTV than fixing that plot hole in chapter thirteen, but that comes with the territory. Writing is hard work. It's filled with challenges. Facing those challenges is part of the adventure.
But every time I open up my word processor, I wonder if this will be the day where I'll have one of those moments.
Hey, a writer can dream...
Those ah-ha moments are precious. I love it when an idea hits me like lightning.
I agree, Medeia. Wish I could figure out a way to make it happen more often.
Go Nan on your Golden Kite honor! I'm so happy for you!
thanks, Steph! :)
Ahem! I believe I see a muse at the top of this post. She looks like she on the inspiration insider track to me.
Doesn't she look like she's trying to inspire? I tell her to dream her best dream and that's the look I get.
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